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Funtana Meiga, in Sardinia, is a playground, and when it works it is one of the best wave spots in the Mediterranean, and easily holds its own against many oceanic spots....


Windsurfing, report: "Hardcore" Funtana Meiga, Sardinia, 08/05/23


I decided to come to Sardinia to enjoy these three days of Mistral, with a last minute trip. It was not expected..... It has been a tiring journey, but Sardinia amply repaid me....

Saturday morning at 10.30, disembarking from the Nice - Porto Torres ferry, which took the mistral wind on its side all night long.... We did not sleep well.

I eat a couple of bananas and have a drink, and in order not to waste time, I head straight to the spot. On the way I pass Alessio, an instructor friend from Stintino, who is also heading to Funtana.

Arrival in Funtana at 12.00. From the top of the road that descends to Funtana, I can already see beautiful long and clean waves in the sea, well spaced, and I understand the condition. I have a real breakfast, with a table in front of the car door. A nice Nescafè..., and off we go. I've parked in the windward clearing, because the spot is quite crowded. Many love Funtana... and an occasion like this in August is not to be missed.






In the water, you can already see wonderful scenes, with smooth waves 2 meters high, and some sets even of 3 meters. Wind a bit weak inside, and gusty in general, but it's enough. Niccolo Spanu trains on forwards....

I discuss with Alessio which sail size to choose. In the end, I rig the 4.7 and it will prove to be the right choice.

I enter the water, take the first wave, set the first bottom and watch the lip. And the hunger starts.... and the screams of excitement..... On the first wave I catch I do 4 bottoms...... It goes on like this for an hour. The average is 2-3 bottoms on each wave. It's also easy to maneuver on the inside, and off the coast quite as well.

After an hour, I should think about going back. But, every time I point to the shore, I catch a wave and do no less than two bottoms....

I'll end up going on for another hour, until I decide to go back due to tiredness, and also due to a slight drop in the wind.





At the beach, I chat with Giovanni, a friendly reader of Waterwind from Cagliari, and meet many well-known faces including Luigi and Giangi, known in Oman. Finally, Paolo appears, a friend from Rome, an Irish .... by adoption, who has convinced himself to go out on starboard tack, where he suffers..... And when he joins me he is beaming! The spot won him over. Two days later, he will return the favor by taking me to Cala Pischina ....

The fatigue of the journey does not allow me to return to the water. Funtana, today, would give hours and hours of pure waveriding down the line. But that's okay. I open the chair and relax by the sea in my swimsuit, and take a few more photos, including Alessio who enjoys the day off as an instructor, and stays in the water until 18.00.

I would go to sleep at 10 pm .... and instead at 10 pm I find myself starting dinner with Paolo and his friends (including Elsa, also known in Oman, and today one of the few women present ....) in Cabras at Sa Bell'e Crabasa, a very good restaurant, where, however, they are "differently fast".....

At midnight, I finally go to sleep. With a smile and the awareness of having lived another unforgettable day at Funtana Meiga.....


Ajo! Fabio

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