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Well, what to tell about Porto Pollo that has not already been said and written? A difficult task. Porto Pollo is the "Mecca" of windsurfing, a destination for lots of people fond of this sport, but also for many beginners (including children), who, here, try windsurfing for the first time, and then never get off the board....


Windsurf spot reviews: Porto Pollo (Sardinia)

You got the best glance of the spot from the hill at the end of the village, and it is love at first sight .... Two bays, with sandy beach, opened only to the north, separated each other by a narrow strip of sand that leads to Gabbiani's Island. To the west of the sandy strip, you have the bay of Porto Liscia (or Coluccia), which is wider and spectacular to sail with the mistral (North-West wind); here, also kiters may sail. To the east, the bay of Porto Pollo, forbidden to kiters during the central part of the day, where there are schools and rental centers for water sports.

In 2012, we arrived at Porto Pollo with some doubt that it was a place too challenging for us, since yet not too much experienced. On the other hand, the place proved to be very safe, because there is always land downwind (and usually is a sandy beach), except when the wind blows from the South. 

We were there at the beginning of June, and it proved to be a very good idea, because there were few people. The water is still a bit cold in that period (we used the long wetsuit), but it is not at all a problem while riding (maybe it is, if you want to take a bath with you swimsuit).

During our holiday week, wind didn't lack, although we also had a few days of calm. We had two days with winds of 20 knotstwo with the wind at 30-35 knots, and two with wind around 10 knots. Conclusions? We needed all the sails we had, including a 7 meter , and , if we had , it would also serve an 8 meter (those who had that, were the only ones who could get planning with 10 nodes). At 35 knots, of course, we used 4.7 (note: today, with 35 kts I use a 3.7 sail....).


 Windsurfing Porto Pollo





The wind was almost always from West/South-West, and in such conditions , with 30 Knots, waves of 1 meter rise in Porto Liscia, close to the strip of sand that divide this bay from that of Porto Pollo, with great entertainment for those who like to jump (not conditions to do waveriding ). In the bay of Porto Pollo , downwind to the isthmus , flat water with a wind from that direction ( a bit more gusty on this side ). In Porto Pollo Bay, the best area is between Sporting Club and MB Pro Center, where the wind blows steady. 

We took some lessons at the Sporting Club Sardinia, and we enjoyed it, both for the rental (Rrd and Starboard boards, Simmer Sails), and for lessons. Big Alessio, our instructor from Tuscany, made us get very tired with lots of exercises, and even took jokes of us for some of our habits, tipical of lake windsurfers, but at the end he managed to make us look semi-serious windsurfers .

On the same beach , there is also the school of Michael Bouwmeester , another good alternative for the rental and lessons (for details, see the section about schools and rentals of Waterwind).



You reach Porto Pollo in about an hour's drive from Olbia, where you land with airplane or ferry boat. We stayed in an apartment for rent in the center of the village. Do not imagine anything particular. Porto Pollo is almost an America's "Far West" village, with a road flanked on both sides by houses, and a second road that leads down to the beach. Lot of nature, lot of wind, emerald sea, and, of course, lot of windsurfing; but maybe it's better that way, since you take one or more weeks of absolute detachment from the mess of everyday life. In addition to some hotels and some houses in the village, you can stay at the campsite on the Gabbiani's Island, or, for people who like to live "on the road", you can stop with yor camper in the parking site behind the Sporting Club Sardinia. For happy hour drinks and dinner, beyond the windsurfing clubs bars, there are some bars in the village, and some interesting restaurants, on the way to Olbia.

Finally, you can buy food in the small Antonio's market, a guy from Sorrento, who came to live here. And if you need something else, Palau, a very big town ... is at 10 minutes by car. The beatiful Capo Testa is also worth a trip (maybe, if your arms have become longer than your legs because of the wind.....). Last but not least, in front of Palau you have the wonderful Bocche di Bonifacio, with the magnificent islands of Archipelago of Maddalena.

Have Fun... Fabio, summer 2012. 

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P.S. After this first experience, a true baptism of windsurfing for me, I returned for a few sessions in Porto Pollo in spring 2017, having improved my level very much. I had the opportunity to test Porto Pollo better, and in particular the Coluccia spot. Click here to read the report of this most recent trip.

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