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Coming from the south, Cremia is the first spot on the Como side lake shore, which works well with the Breva (thermal wind from the south). And, in fact, the spot is appreciated by italian windsurfers who live in the area, and also from those from the Swiss Canton Ticino.


Windsurfing, spot reviews: Cremia (Como Lake)

It's an almost hidden spot, where you do not happen by chance, but only if you know it. It 's a spot also frequented by German windsurfers on holiday, fond of the place, who stay in the few accomodation that the spot offers (Hotel LUMIN, Camping Aurora, apartaments). The spot is also frequented by kiters, sometimes with some problems of coexistence. It is situated almost opposite to the spot of Dervio (on Lecco side lake shore), but it is a bit more North.

The spot also works well with the winds from the North directions. The Foehn (NNW), which can blow at any time of day, when some particular weather conditions take place (see the Foehn Diagram on this site),remains, however, a bit far from shore (you start to ride from mid lake up to Corenno, on the opposite lake shore). Also the Tivano, a thermal wind from the north, blowing only early in the morning (usually up to 8.30 - 9.00), the North or the North East blow well over this spot. Sometimes, you can enjoy also the Bergamasca (rare and very strong wind from the East).


Windsurf Cremia Como 6

Windsurf Cremia Como 17


Coming from the South, you reach the spot, along the SS340dir (national road "Regina"), by turning right when you see the signals for the village of San Vito (one of those which form Cremia), and the camping Aurora or Restaurant "La Baia" (you get a narrow road that goes down to the lake shore - see map below). Coming from the North on SS340dir, you have to turn left in the same narrow road as indicated above, at the end of the long tunnel after Dongo. There are few parkings along the narrow road. If you ask to the receptions, you can also park inside the Camping Aurora, or at the Hotel Lumin (comfortable, since they are on lake shore). Otherwise, you unload your equipment near the lake shore at the end of the narrow road, and then you go to park in the center of Cremia (which is on the opposite side of the SS340dir ).

The spot has a pebble beach, a few hundred meters long, between the ferryboat stop to the south, and the river mouth to the north (see the slideshow on this page). Close to the beach a bike/pedestrian way pass, which goes to the villages of Musso and Pianello, further north. You get your rig assembled on the beach.

The water gets deep immediately, so for the beach start mistakes are not allowed (in the case, you pull out your sail from water standing up on the board, or you do a waterstart); however, there are no particular problems.

The spot is very much appreciated, since, with the Breva, it is characterized by a modest chop, at least for 100-200 meters near the shore, and since, immediately at south of the spot, the wind becomes stronger near the coast, since it bounces against the steep slope of the mountains. It is loved by slalom riders, freeriders and freestylers.

On the spot, there are also a few weather stations and webcams, that we speak about in the Waterwind forum.


Have Fun. Fabio

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