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What a drag .... Another 3.7 Peler at Pra de la fam, Lake Garda! And the series is getting monotonous .....


Windsurfing, report: Pra de la fam (Lake Garda), 10 september 2022

Short report, to tell about another powerful and long-lasting Peler.

The month changes, but the "music" doesn't change. The warm lake water guarantees strong winds thanks to the fact that the night starts to get cooler in the valleys north of the lake. And if there is a storm over there, at night, the blast is assured ....

I went out at 8.30 with the Ezzy Elite 4.2 2019 and the Tabou Da Curve 88 2020. This set of equipment was manageable only in the first 150 meters from the beach. Offshore, there was the "no riding zone", due to photonic wind .....

After half an hour, in order not to change the sail (the 4.2 was pretty full), I changed the board and switched to the Tabou Da Curve 80 2016. And finally I started reasoning!


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Water surface once again characterized by beautiful long wave ramps, 1.5 meters high, overlapped with a bit annoying chop, here and there, due to the many riders. My attempts to forward loop continue to end with some nice ears hits ... but the eardrum resists for now.

Almost everyone was there .... But didn't I tell you to go to Lake Viverone? A mention for Teomat who fought to get on top of the waterstart, and for little Tommy, who is getting better and better every time I see him; and for Robert, a 65-year-old who does old school freestyle, with incredible class and fluidity. Finally, a mention for Alessandro (aka Scuffia) with whom it was nice to share some rides.

Simone Grezzi has remedied a small injury. We wish him a speedy recovery.

I should have gone to the Coudouliere (France), but Pra de la fam, almost ... didn't make me regret it.

Aloha. Fabio


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