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Max Rinaldi, expert windsurfer from Genoa and lover of Fuerteventura's waves, after the success of the first article, has sent us the second episode of the wave spots in the North Coast of Fuerte. Again, the review is accurate, and it is a must for those who want to go surfing in that paradise, just a few hours flight from Europe.


Windsurfing, spot reviews: Fuerteventura (Canary islands). The North Shore


Those who had missed the previous wave spots review about Fuerteventura should click here to read the article (for those who do not like the waves, but flat water conditions, we point out the review of the Sotavento spot). 

Read Max's report of the holiday at Fuerte in July/August 2017.

But, now, let's hear Max's words.

Are you ready to discover Fuerte North Shore? Well, first of all, you need a good breakfast, perhaps in a place with Wi-Fi to check the wind predictions, and make a point, with your friends. You can go to the center of Corralejo, in the little "Dolce e Salato" Coffee shop (near the pharmacy). The shop is on the road leading to Oplaco beach, in front of a Chinese people's shop.
Or, another great place is near the roundabout (on the road to go South), where there are some surf shops. The bar is called "Secreto del Sur"; it has a good Wi-Fi connection, and in the nearby you have "Dulce de leche", where you can buy even some cheap but very good boccadillos. Remember that in the North shore, there are no food and drinks shops options; therefore, get ready before going there!

We start.





From Corralejo, take the road that goes to La Oliva (see the spots map at the end of the article). After having left behind "La Cappellania" (a huge complex consisting of villas of various sizes, which at night looks a real enlightened village), you arrive at a junction, where you turn right, towards Lajares. Watch out for speed cameras: the road is straight, and the temptation to run toward the waves could play an unpleasant joke ... At the bottom of the street, before entering the village, there is a roundabout: turn right (direction Majanicho), and follow the road until the end. Practically, after a few bends, you will come to a long straight, up to the sea.

Once there, where the paved road ends, you will have in front, and below you, the tiny village of Majanicho, and you can watch the waves in front of you, on your right.



It works with wind from the East, and is a wonderful spot, pretty safe too. If the waves are small/medium, it is a playground, with a beautiful right wave, ending in a very broad flat water channel, to be used to start and come back.





Central part omitted. The reading of the main part of this article is reserved to Waterwind Supporters. To become a Supporter, click here.


As for the places where to eat and sleep, and other logistical information to organize your holiday (e.g. renting a car or equipment), I refer you to the other article on wave spots on the North Coast of Fuerte.


Hasta luego!

Max Rinaldi 


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Some video to give an idea of the spots






Punta Blanca


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