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For those who are going to choose Fuerteventura as a destination for the upcoming windsurfing holiday, and would like to go to the North in search of waves, there are some things that it is better to know, in order not to be disappointed and to take advantage of the incredible conditions that the island may offer.


Windsurfing, spot review: Fuerteventura (Canary), North East shore


(Podcast available for Supporters users, in the central part of the article)


At North of Fuerteventura,  infact, there is not a unique spot where to go windsurfing, but many ones, which, depending on the wind direction, work better than the others ...

I have come here since many years (twice a year, at least), and, despite knowing very well the place, and having a lot of local friends, often I do not know exactly where to go, I may exchange dozens of messages, phone calls, and I may grind kms, before I find the perfect conditions ...


Another consideration to make: here the level in the water is very high, there is little "localism", but because of crowding in recent years, you have to know the "rules of right" in the waves.

(For those who don't want to surf waves, but like flat or choppy waters, we highlight the review of the spot of Sotavento in Fuerte) 


3Victor puerto



In summer, a shorty suit is fine, for those who don't suffer from cold, a bathsuit and a Lycra shirt. In winter time, I would say at least a 3/2 long sleeve/long leg wetsuit, but sometimes something more "warm" might be more proper.

Shoes? Remember that the most beautiful waves mainly rise on rocky reef, and Fuerte is no exception. I did not use shoes, but it is a choice of my own ... Sea urchins are not a problem, there are very few; but sometimes, you have to walk on the rocks, especially at certain spots, at low tide ... So, the choice is up to you ...



As far as tide concerns, the excursion is remarkable; get a "tablas de mareas". There is a small "book" in homage, at any surf shop: in some spots, it could prove providential.





In summer, mainly Trade Winds (Aliseo) from N or N/E blow on the spot, with waves ranging from 1 meter to 3.30. In winter, the wind is more uncertain, while waves often are much greater. In addition to N and N/E wind, West or East wind can blow too (if this occurs, in some spot it is a show!!!).

Further piece of information, wind is seldom strong (15-20 knots), and is generally side/off ... I (72kg) almost exclusively use a 82 liter, and a 4.7, rarely 4.2, and occasionally a 5.3 sail. You practically go out offshore, without planing. You go upwind a bit, you choose a wave, and begin to surf. Few jumps (excluding aerials), because when the purpose is to surf, all energies are focused in earning as much water as possible to be in the right section of the wave, then, and start making bottom turns :-).

If in addition to windsurfing, you also do surfing or sup, you go out almost every day. Pay attention that, in the surf, localism exists, although not extreme, but in some spots you might have unpleasant surprises.

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But let's start gradually, and, to give an order to the spots, let's consider to have just got off the plane, and to get going from the airport to the north shore towards Corallejo, where we'll probably have found accommodation.

I'll let you know what I think is the best wind to enjoy these spots in top condition, although some may also work with other wind directions ...

Did you get the car? At the end, I will also give you some tip even about logistics, but now let's start with the spot.

Central part omitted. The reading of the main part of this article is reserved to Waterwind Supporters. To become a Supporter, click here.

Be careful at police checkpoints!!! Alcohol tests and speeding check are frequent ... and remember that the crosswalks here are a must, and to be respected ...

RENTAL CAR: I suggest you to go on the internet to book, and possibly take the luggage rack ... Avoid "Goldcar" in any way !!! It seems convenient, but you may find unpleasant surprises, like 150 Euros self cleaning charged to your credit card, once back at home, as happened to us a few years ago ...

HOUSE: here I recommend you to search on the internet, because the offer is varied and changing all the time ... When we are in two or three couples, we take one of the many villas with a barbecue and swimming pool, for "unforgettable" barbecues with friends ...

For now, it is really all about. The next time, beyond telling you about the North Shore spots, I will give you some more tips, to enjoy a beautiful holiday, all windsurfing and full of relax ...


Max Rinaldi

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Some videos to show conditions you may find at the spots



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