Many of you may have needed to carry out a small repair on your windsurf board. In this case, there are two options: contact a professional repairer, or, given the modest extent of the damage, rely on do-it-yourself. Let's see how to proceed in this second case.
Windsurfing, do it yourself: board repairing
(Podcast, available for Supporters users, in the central part of the article)
A similar situation happened to me recently. In one of the last sessions, returning to the shore I hit a small submerged rock with the board, getting a minor damage to the hull (see photo). So I decided to fix the board on my own (it's not the first time). In this article, I describe how I did the repair, sharing my experience, which will come in handy for many.
The phases of the processing were four:
1) First sanding
2) Grouting
3) Second sanding
4) Painting.
Let's see them in detail.
Central part omitted. The reading of the main part of this article is reserved to Waterwind Supporters. To become a Supporter, click here.