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If you love windsurfing, you've come to the right place. This is the website where you can share your passion for this wonderful sport. Here we share the emotions and stories of our sessions, we share experiences, and all information that may be useful for the practice of windsurfing.


Your online windsurfing magazine: wave, freeride, freestyle, report, spots, market

Waterwind is a digital magazine, written by those who do the "job": sessions reports are written directly from those who were in the water. Even the spots reviews are written only after actually trying them, with the idea of providing some useful information to those who want to have a ride there. 

We would like, however, to make it a common web space, where everyone can tell their stories about windsurfing.
Every windsurfer likes to read articles, reports, and reviews about his/her beloved sport. They help us to imagine we took part to the session, or to the trip, or help us to relive the excitement, if we were there.

But if no one writes, no one can read ..... So, we invite everybody to cooperate with us and to share his/her experiences, and reports, sending contributions even of a few lines and a few pictures. In short, Waterwind is also your web space, that you can help to build day by day. Not surprisingly, our motto is: share your passion.....! 

With more experienced windsurfers (even non-professional ones), we are available to begin paid collaborations for articles/reviews to be published on our site. If you are interested, read here for more information.

Waterwind is dedicated, in particular, to non-professional windsurfers, expert, of intermediate level, or novice, that, sometimes, have to get free of thousands of work commitments, family duties, etc., to have a ride, and jump on the waves with their boards.

Waterwind is also proposed as a site in which to provide services, and condense information useful to all fans. Why wasting your time to do extensive web researches, to find sites that interest you, when someone has already found them?

For example, in the "learning section", you will find the presentation sheets of some windsurf schools, and some useful articles for learning some basic maneuvers, or a video collection that will explain how to do them. In the "shopping" section, you will find the presentation sheets of some shops which sell windsurfing and kitesurfing equipment, our flea market, and the results of our equipment tests.

The "weather" section, but also our wind forecasts published in the forum (mainly for Italy and France), will help you to understand when the conditions are ideal for a session in your favorite spot.

Again, with the idea of sharing experiences, we have created a special section to give users the opportunity to write short reviews and vote on their tested equipment, sharing their opinion. Help us to expand it.

Finally, although Waterwind at the time, is more oriented to the world of windsurfing, we decided to reserve some space to sailing, another fascinating sport, which, as windsurfing, helps to take one's mind off and lets you relax in contact with nature. Click here to access this specific section. In the Italian version of the magazine, we have also a section about mountain sports. Have a look at it. It is in the Italian language, but maybe you can get help from google translate.

Good winds to all!

Fabio Muriano


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