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The spots reviews posted on Waterwind are unique! They are based on direct experience of those who have tried the spots, and are full of helpful advice: winds blowing at the spot, water surface conditions, sea bottom, and kind of beach; areas where to park, places where to eat and where to stay for the night.

They also contain maps with points of interest in the spot. In short, reading them, you will arrive on the spot, as if you had already been there ... reducing contingencies. We created these reviews just with the idea of providing a service to all fans. 


In this section, you will find a list of the spots, grouped by region, in order to facilitate the early detection. The list is constantly updated, but we need your help. Work with us to enrich it, by sending us the review of your home spot, or of your favorite spots. The community of windsurfers will be thankful ....

Hang loose.


Waterwind Staff

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