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Being foreclosed all other possible destinations, for reasons related to Covid, we decided to take the opportunity of this forced holiday week to finally go and discover a well-known windsurfing destination: Fuerteventura, in the Canary Islands. Here is our report.

There are famous spots, which often do not deserve the reputation they enjoy, and others, often unknown to most people, which can be much more valid.
What we often imagine as an ideal spot is the one that gives a great windy day, and maybe an exceptional wave session, but it is more enjoyable a spot that guarantees predictability and stability of the wind conditions, with high percentages of good days.With this in mind, I would like to speak about Reggio Calabria, or, rather, about the Calabrian coast on the Strait of Messina.
Read more: Reggio Calabria and spots around, South Italy (by Giuseppe Scullino - ITA37)
I was afraid of having to go back to southern France to use 4.2 sail again. Instead, it was enough to return to Garda lake..... And I have to say that, for me, even a 3.7 could have been good, at least for the first hour and a half of the session.... Another day of mythical Peler to Pra de la Fam, on Saturday, 9/19/2015.
Read more: Finally, 4,2 again...! (Pra de la fam, 19/9/2015)

We receive and gladly publish this exciting session report of May 1, 2016 in Bordighera (Liguria, Italy), by CattaZen, experienced surfer, and photographer with great visual sensitivity. Thanks for sharing..
La Coudouliere (Six-Four Les Plages, South France) is one of the best renowned wave spots in Europe. On 14th of January 2017, NW wind up to 40 knots blew over the spot. I was there, and I could admire the young French talent, Loick Lesauvage (F780), only 16 year old, performing a show under my eyes. Also other very experienced riders in the spot.
Read more: Coudouliere (France), 14 january 2017: 30-40 kts NW

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Do windsurfers and kitesurfers always have to fight when they are on the same spot? These funny video that Marin David, a french freestylers, has sent us, seems to prove that surfers and kiters can also agree, and enjoy together.