Lots of detailed windsurfing spots reviews

The West coast of Ireland offers an almost infinite amount of windsurfing spots, both with the Atlantic swell and in flat water conditions. If you add to this feature, breathtaking views, the opportunity to enjoy spectacular coastal trekking, the visit to castles and millenary abbeys, the pubs, the Guinness, and the hospitality of the Irish, it is natural to conceive a travel idea for an unforgettable 360 degrees experience.
Read more: Windsurfing, travel ideas: Ireland, West Coast tour

Jack Galbiati sent us this interesting review about a mythical waveriding spot in southern France: La Coudouliere. We are happy to publish it, sure it will be useful to many! For photos, we thank friends Michele Ferraina, and Michele Iungo.
Read more: Coudouliere (South France), by Giacomo Galbiati and F. Muriano

Tarifa, in Andalusia, is a popular location for windsurfing, kitesurfing, and water sports in general; it has always been a place for those who are looking for an alternative holiday. The Levante wind is the real master of this stretch of coast of Andalusia. In this article, we describe some of the main spots in the area.

We are planning to go to Sal, in the archipelago of Cape Verde Islands, sooner or later, since it's clear that it has a huge potential for windsurfing, and especially for waveriding.
Sardinia offers some windsurfing spots, where you can do waveriding in oceanic conditions. Cala Pischina, in the famous North Shore of the island, is one of these. Here is our review, written together with my friend Paolo.
Read more: Cala Pischina (Sardinia), a spot that makes you addicted (by P. Prete and F. Muriano)

I didn't think that Galicia was such a beautiful land, and with so many possibilities for sports such as windsurfing, surfing, trekking and MTB. And all these chances can be enjoyed in a frame of breathtaking views. In this article, we provide you with valuable information, in particular for windsurfing, with some hints also to other sports.