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Lake Garda has awakened, and today gave us a nice Peler wind, for a very respectable summer windsurfing session at Pra de la Fam!


Windsurfing, report: Pra' de la Fam (Lake Garda), 9 august 2021

I hadn't been out at the Pra' for months, due to the Covid restrictions, and because of this strange summer (from a weather point of wiew) which, so far, has not given Peler regularly.

Given the good forecasts for today, after the passage of another disturbance in the Alps, I did not want to miss the opportunity. The arrival at Pra, the evening before the exit, to sleep in the parking lot of the spot, is always something magical. The quiet and the nocturnal view of the lake are always something able of putting the nerves in order.

Upon awakening in the morning, the parking lot, already almost full of German and Austrian riders on vacation, soon became complete.

The Peler, this morning, left slyly. It didn't seem too strong, at first. The most impatient were already complaining about its quality, before 8 o'clock!

But the Peler generally gives its best after 8.30, at Pra', and so it was also today.


Windsurf Pra Garda 003

Windsurf Pra Garda 002 


I went into the water at 8.00, with the Ezzy Wave 4.7 2021, deliberately left with a deep belly, to give it power, and with the Tabou Pocket 94 2016, set as a single fin, with MFC freewave 25 fin. 3/2 Long wetsuit, in order not to have problems, even if in the water, we saw everything (including shorts and costumes, and even some shirtless guy). However, the air and water turned out to be quite warm.

In the first half hour, the wind did not spread out at its best near the shore, while it was already powerful from the center of the lake, towards the Veronese shore, allowing me to glide fully. Unfortunately, the wind immediately showed noticeable changes in direction, which occurred throughout the morning.

It took me a while to "warm up", but then I started doing some experiments, and good maneuvers, also taking advantage of the greater physical freshness. Chop and unstable wind never make it too easy to guess the right timing and stance in maneuvers. Let's say that the spot is a good and challenging gym.

From 8.30 to 9.30, the Peler gave its best, allowing me to go upwind at will, and to glide as far as the shore, where, however, I didn't ride often, because the windsurfers traffic made the water plan too chaotic.

As mentioned, so many foreign riders on vacation, who enjoyed themselves in the water. Schöner Peler!

A really good a freestyler, with long hair, and a sail with the F2 brand logo, who closed in front of my camera some beautiful Konos (see photo above, and in the slidegallery).

And as always, also a certain local rider with very short hair performed his show.... Simone Grezzi always amazes for the power of his freestyle maneuvers (Flaka, Shaka, etc.), but I admire the speed jibe that he performs with a speed and fluidity quite impressing (see photo above and in the slidegallery). I will study the photos to get some secrets from him. Even that other young, Ricky, with his flaming red Ezzy Elite 4.7, put on a show with nice fluid jibes.

The Peler lasted a long time, but most of us got out of the water around at 10.00, when the wind dropped slightly.

Under a nice warm sun, I unrigged and loaded everything into the car. I then left for home, for a nice afternoon of Smart working.... I made a queue "only" of half an hour on the Gardesana road, to overpass Toscolano, while towards the north the queue went from Salò to Toscolano, without interruption.

On Lake Garda, they have to do something to solve the traffic problems, because it is not possible to go on vacation and find yourself stuck in traffic worthy of the worst cities in which we live.

Now, I will leave with the family for Denmark, and, who knows, I may have a chance of a nice session in Cold Hawaii....

Lake Garda, see you again at the end of the month / early September.

Hang loose. Fabio

Click here, to enjoy the full slidegallery of the session

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