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Palombaggia, 21/07/2023

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21 Jul 2023 19:37 - 21 Jul 2023 19:44 #16324 par ita4012
Palombaggia, 21/07/2023 a été créé par ita4012
How many colors has the sea of Corse?

Today, I have ridden Palombaggia, near Porto Vecchio.
Forecast gave wind from SW until 13,00. Instead, it kept on blowing strong non stop until I went away at 16,00.

I went out again with the Goya Banzai X Pro 5,3, and again I was overpowered from 13,00 onward... But, in summer, it is not easy to park near the beach, so it was impossible to change sail. Anyway, I switched to the lower clew hole, and it was not so bad.

Bump and jump water level, 38 °C air temp, and few less that of the water...

Enjoy some pictuers in preview.

Non ho voglia di tradurre in italiano.... (rispondete nella lingua che vi pare).

Ciao. Fabio


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