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The spot of Sant Pere Pescador, in Costa Brava, Spain, is quite famous. It is placed in a huge bay facing East, with a white, deep and infinite, sandy beach. We checked the spot with Tramontana wind, which blows side shore, here, and we thought that the good reputation is well deserved.

Windsurfing, spot reviews: Sant Pere Pescador (Spain)


We checked two access points to the great beach that faces Gulf of Roses. The first one is at "Playa de la Devesa Cortal", near the famous camping La Balene Alegre. The second entrance is at the beach called "Playa Can Sopa".


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Another interesting feature is worth of speaking about. This spot is located near the area of ​​Leucate in France (90 km - 1 hour drive), where there is an infinite number of spots (see spots reviews page). Therefore, as we did, you can position your "headquarter" in France, and if you feel like trying less flat water conditions, in just a day, you can come to Sant Pere. In the area, you have also the waveriding spots of Port de la Selva or Pals, that we have not tried yet.

The great camping-sites on the coast of this area are small cities, with everything you need, inside. Sant Pere, in the inland, is a rather small village. For those who want to find a bit of "life", a visit to the cities in the North side of the Roses Gulf is suggested (eg. Empuriabrava, Roses).


Aloha, Fabio Muriano 

To watch the all slide gallery of our holiday in Gruissan - Leucate and  San Pere Pescador, and of our sessions in these spots, click here


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Here below, a video of Sant Pere spot.  

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